Behold, The Winter Is Past

Springtime is one of my favorite seasons. I find a poetic metaphor in the seasons. How life flourishes in the summer then dies in the fall. How death remains through winter and life returns in the spring.
Life, degeneration, death, resurrection.
With every year that I get older the metaphor becomes more real. My knees hurt more, my hips hurt more, and I become tired more quickly. Last week I sprained my ankle for the first time playing basketball with my students and just last night I discovered a new streak of gray hair on the left side of my head. My life is fleeting and fading fast.
A lot of times when I wrestle with my imperfections and see the painful things happening in this world I wonder whether we are dying in autumn or dead in winter (metaphorically speaking).
But nature testifies to Gods intention for creation. As the temperature gets warmer life returns.
He created it to live! Paul writing to the Corinthian church concerning the topic of resurrection wrote, “The last enemy to be destroyed is death.” Soon God will eliminate the link that continues the cycle.
May the spring rains and the budding leaves remind you of the resurrection that God can do in your life and that God will ultimately bring upon the earth.
Soon springtime will flourish into an eternal summer. For it is written, “behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land.”